From what I have heard life does not get better it just gets harder and more stressful. If I find high school hard then I know college will be worse. Even when I am done with college There will always be challenges and stress from my job. There will also be stress at home from worrying about raising my kids the right way or even having kids, finding love, marriage and settling down. At the end of the day there are always problems and it won't get easier or better.
I had planned to be a nurse but I'm not really sure If its what I want to do. I actually don't think I ever wanted to be a nurse but its honestly a go to when you don't know what you want to do. I also don't know If I want to be a nurse because I have seen a lot of stuff on the internet about how hard nursing school is and how stressful it is. I really don't think that I would do well in nursing school. So now I'm exploring my options and trying new things like dental school and early childhood education.
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