The only person I can somewhat remember being born is my brother Jayce. He was born March 26, 2018 at Northside Hospital. The day was honestly a blur. Me and Kyla had just gotten out of school when my grandma aka mamama came to get us and took us to the hospital I remember being nervous because my moms pregnancy was considered high risk because of her age. when we got to the hospital we waited a little then we went to the cafeteria and got some McDonalds. After that we went back up to the room and saw the baby, he was so lightskinned and really looked like every other newborn I have ever seen. A few days after my mama and Jayce came home and got on my nerves.
I had planned to be a nurse but I'm not really sure If its what I want to do. I actually don't think I ever wanted to be a nurse but its honestly a go to when you don't know what you want to do. I also don't know If I want to be a nurse because I have seen a lot of stuff on the internet about how hard nursing school is and how stressful it is. I really don't think that I would do well in nursing school. So now I'm exploring my options and trying new things like dental school and early childhood education.
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