Although there have been many times that I have experienced something strange the most memorable thing that has happened to me was when my great grandmother was repeating her dead husbands name in her sleep. Now that I am saying it it doesn't seem so strange but honestly you just had to be there. So it happened when I was younger but me and Kyla were just sleeping with my great grandma in her pitch black room when out of nowhere she just started saying "John, John, John,John...". She was saying it so fast almost like she was an auctioneer. When she didn't stop I called her name and then I woke up Kyla after I woke up kyla we were shaking our grandma but she still didn't wake up so we went into our grandmas room so she could help us and we finally got her to wake up. I just remember feeling so bad because after that we never slept with her again.
I had planned to be a nurse but I'm not really sure If its what I want to do. I actually don't think I ever wanted to be a nurse but its honestly a go to when you don't know what you want to do. I also don't know If I want to be a nurse because I have seen a lot of stuff on the internet about how hard nursing school is and how stressful it is. I really don't think that I would do well in nursing school. So now I'm exploring my options and trying new things like dental school and early childhood education.
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