Hey blog today my group presented our poem and I feel we could done better #group1. For starters most of our group members weren’t here and although one of them sent their work it was almost illegible to the group so had to read what we could. Secondly the group leader didn’t come today and didn’t send her work so we were quite unprepared for that. I do feel that we did well working with what we had.
I had planned to be a nurse but I'm not really sure If its what I want to do. I actually don't think I ever wanted to be a nurse but its honestly a go to when you don't know what you want to do. I also don't know If I want to be a nurse because I have seen a lot of stuff on the internet about how hard nursing school is and how stressful it is. I really don't think that I would do well in nursing school. So now I'm exploring my options and trying new things like dental school and early childhood education.
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