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What I'd Planned to Do

   I had planned to be a nurse but I'm not really sure If its what I want to do. I actually don't think I ever wanted to be a nurse but its honestly a go to when you don't know what you want to do. I also don't know If I want to be a nurse because I have seen a lot of stuff on the internet about how hard nursing school is and how stressful it is. I really don't think that I would do well in nursing school. So now I'm exploring my options and trying new things like dental school and early childhood education.
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Something That Does Not Get Better

    From what I have heard life does not get better it just gets harder and more stressful. If I find high school hard then I know college will be worse. Even when I am done with college There will always be challenges and stress from my job.  There will also be stress at home from worrying about raising my kids the right way or even having kids, finding love, marriage and settling down. At the end of the day there are always problems and it won't get easier or better.

Someone I Forgot

 After scrolling on instagram to find someone I forgot I realized I forgot my 2nd grade teacher Ms.Frye. She was really sweet to me. When I was hospitalized she came to visit me and had the class make a poster for me telling me to get well soon. She was literally my favorite teacher.

A Secret Being Revealed

  Just recently our friend group was going through some problems because one friend decided to talk to another friend's ex.  I'll name one of them Lexi and the other Kim. So Lexi was dating a boy that I'll name Josh. They broke up because Josh cheated on her. Fast forward to this school year Josh was telling Lexi that he still loved her but was flirting with Kim. Kim came to me and my sister and told us that she had feelings for Josh so me and my sister told her that she needed to tell Lexi and she said she was.  So she eventually told Lexi and Lexi had said that she could tell.She also said that it was weird to her. As time went on Lexi and Kim started acting weird to each other which was making it hard for the whole friend group. I also want to point out the fact that Josh had a girlfriend at the time and was posting her a lot on instagram . So anyways, Josh had told Lexi that he was not gonna be talking to Kim anymore and he didn't. So Lexi told me and my sister this

A Gift That Was Not Well Received

  For this one I'm just gonna talk about how ungrateful my dads side of the family is. For starters last year for Father's Day I got my dad a $200 cycling machine.Keep in mind that I got him exactly what he asked for. He used it maybe once the whole time he had it. My grandma on my dads side of the family is so ungrateful too she kept on bugging me about getting her something for Christmas so I had got her a set from Bath and Body Works. I got her the lotion, perfume, the body wash, the shower gel, and the solid perfume stick thing that you rub on yourself. She never used it so every time I came over there i used it.

All The Secrets That Have Been Kept From Me

 I recently realized that my mother always keeps stuff from me and my sister. Most times she will wait until the absolute last minute to tell us. The first time I can remember her doing this was when my great auntie had pancreatic cancer. She told us the day before she died to tell us that she had cancer and wasn't doing well and she might not make it. Another time she did this is when my great grandma was dying. It was the summer after 9th grade during the pandemic.  All of our friends were at our house when she told us to get dressed to go see her because she might not make it through the night. When she said that me and Kyla were very confused because we didn't know anything was wrong with her. When we got to Mommie's house we said our goodbyes and then went home. Later that day we went back over there with Ja'Niya and Nadia and the rest of our family. After about 30 minutes she had died and everyone was crying everyone was so emotional it was so sad. 

Something I Used To Know How To Do

  I used to know how to sew. In 5th grade I was in the sewing club at my school and made at lot of stuff. Once I made some cute shorts out of old jeans. Another time we had a fashion show where we made clothes from the 20's. I made two dresses and a jumpsuit they were pretty nice for me to be in the 5th grade. Me and Kyla like sewing so much we got a sewing machine for Christmas and made purses for all the women in our family for Mother's Day. Unfortunately after we ran out of fabric we never got anymore and never used that sewing machine again.