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Showing posts from November, 2021

Write About Being in Hospital

 The most recent time I was admitted to the hospital was last year when I had an infusion and they had decided that it would be best if I stayed over night. I guess how it happened was when the nurse saw me she saw symptoms of pyloric stenosis. So after she had talked with my doctor they decided that I needed a procedure done. The next day I had the procedure done and I felt horrible but soon after I felt like a new woman .

Write About a Strange Experience that You've Had

 Although there have been many times that I have experienced something strange the most memorable thing that has happened to me was when my great grandmother was repeating her dead husbands name in her sleep. Now that I am saying it it doesn't seem so strange but honestly you just had to be there. So it happened when I was younger but me and Kyla were just sleeping with my great grandma in her pitch black room when out of nowhere she just started saying "John, John, John,John...". She was saying it so fast almost like she was an auctioneer. When she didn't stop I called her name and then I woke up Kyla after I woke up kyla we were shaking our grandma but she still didn't wake up so we went into our grandmas room so she could help us and we finally got her to wake up. I just remember feeling so bad because after that we never slept with her again.

When I Knew Something Was Over

 I recently knew my little situationship was over. I started to realize this just last week when I was at my friends house and he would just get so mad when I was around other people which led to us having an argument (mostly me cussing him out).  After that we kept talking but it was less and less. When I got to the point that  talking every other day I just new that we were done. Looking back I realize that I should've left him alone way before that but I ignored the red flags and continued to talk to him. 


 Hey blog today in class we were taking the benchmark which was very boring. I did all the multiple choice questions today and plan to do all the written responses tomorrow. I feel like I did well on the multiple choice and that tomorrow I will do even better on the written questions. 


 Hey blog Today we were still on the field trip but today didn't go as planned. For starters  me and Ja'Niya were trying to get breakfast but after waiting in the line for about 30 minutes they had told us hat they were out of bacon so we left that line. We then went to get in Subways line but they told us they were out of bread. At that point we were really annoyed and hangry so we decided to go to Starbucks like everyone else. When we walked in Starbucks the let us know that it was going to be about a 20 to 30 minute wait because they were backed up, we decided to stay because we would be waiting anywhere else. When we finally got our food I noticed that mt egg was cold on the outside but completely frozen on the inside which made me even madder than I was before. After getting my food remade we were on our ways to a workshop when our advisor let us know that we would be leaving soon because our bus was on the way. When we made it back to the school my grandma was waiting on


 Hey blog today I went on the field trip and had a great time. While on the field trip we ate good, met new people and learned some things. I also think this trip was to help us get a lay of the land for when we come back for competition. I think tomorrow will be fun because we have workshops.


 Hey blog today in class we did some sources then I was pulled out of class to do some paper work for the field trip I am going on tomorrow. It took a little bit longer than I liked because I had to fill out more paper work because of the medical condition I have.