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Showing posts from January, 2022


  Hey blog today I didn't go to school be cause I had an Infusion. I know Mr. Rease had mentioned that  he wasn't gonna be at school so I guess it's fine.


 Hey blog today in class we watched movies and Identified the rhetorical devices and how they were used. The movie that stood out the most to me was Fences. It stood out me me because even though he cheated she decided to stick beside him like a clown. It just showed me how men make women so little and to the point where they feel like no matter what that man does they have no choice but to stay.  What really set of for me was when Mr. Rease told us that he left his wife for the mistress but the mistress died giving birth (karma) he went back to the wife and she welcomed him with open arms. I personally could never ever take a man back after he pull something like that. 


 Hey blog today in class we were writing a speech encouraging our peers not to do drugs. In the speech we had to use 5 rhetorical devices and ethos, logos, and pathos. In my speech I talked about how I have had friends who had their priorities mixed up simply because they wanted to do drugs. I think I did pretty well but I will do better next time.


 Hey blog today in class we listen to the song "Resist the Temptation by Tupac " . In the song he talks about how you should resist the temptation of doing drugs. He also talked about how drug can mess up your family. In the last part of the song he talked about how drugs can lead to suicide. Class was very entertaining today.


 Hey Blog today in class we went over metaphors and analogies.  While learning metaphors we broke down the metaphor "life is a basketball game". This led us into the discussion of what would be considered a foul. We also talked about what would be considered a time out.


 Today in class we learned how to write a thesis for a rhetorical analysis. I was a little confused when we started because I wasn't sure how to start it. When I looked over my notes I understood it better. Also seeing some examples helped me understand how to write them better I am confident that I will be able to write a better thesis statement the next time I have to.


 Hey blog t oday In class we went over Martin Luther King Jr "I Have A Dream" speech. While we were  reading and listening to the speech we found many different rhetorical devices. The first one we pointed out was a hyperbole. Then we identified an allusion that was about Abraham Lincoln. After writing a few of them I fell asleep. I was so tired and I knew I had to go to work so I just went to sleep.


  Today in class we went over more rhetorical devices. We went over rhetorical questions. I already knew that one but it was a good refresher.. Then we did 5 examples on that . Next we learned procatalepsis which is much more difficult to understand than the rest. Trying to make a sentence for it was even worse.


 Hey blog today in class we went over 5 types of rhetorical devices . I already knew 2 of them but the other 3 were new to me. Altogether class  was very entertaining today. I liked that there was a lot of participation and that most of the class was trying to understand the work.